Anne Stokes Collection

Anne Stokes Water Dragon Fairy Figurine
Anne Stokes Winter Guardians Figurine Nemesis Now
Dragonkin Anne Stokes Collection Figurine
Stargazer Anne Stokes Collection Figurine
The fantasy art of Anne Stokes features striking designs and life like portrayals of fantasy subjects. Her art covers a broad range of subjects, from the romantic and magical enchanted Forest, to the dark underworld of gothic vampires. Classic subjects are reinvented with a strong design and impact, and new creatures are brought to life in a unique and eye catching manner.
On her web site when asked where her idea's come from here is her reply:
Sometimes I see a tree, or window in a church, or something when out walking my dog, or the way the light falls on an object and this gives me an idea. I like to carry my small pocket digital camera around with me as it is great for snapping reference photos. Also I always have scrap of paper to hand for sketching ideas down on. For example below left is an unusual tree I saw while out walking my dog in woodland. The branches crossed over and looked to me like part of a star shape. From this I got the idea of doing my forest pentagram dragon, where the branches form a magical star shape that has attracted the attention of a small forest dwelling dragon. Maybe my brain works in an unusual way but when I looked at this tree I just saw the picture!
We are thrilled to be able to share Anne Stokes collections with our customers!